The Next Megatrend: Sustainability as a Game Changer for the Hospitality and Tourism Sector was the theme of the 2011 Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association‘s Annual General Meeting lunch held at the Hilton Barbados on June 8. The AGM lunch keynote address was given by Jacqueline Kuehnel of JK Consulting Enterprises from Toronto, Canada. Ms. Kuehnel ‘s presentation drew from a wide range of business management literature as well as hospitality and tourism trend studies that see sustainability strategy as an essential part of business competitiveness and long-term survival.
TSSS EVENT: Sport and Sustainability: A Focus on the 2015 Toronto Pan Am Games (FREE Livestream)
Join TSSS on April 1st as our panel explores the power of sport to reach people and communities like nothing else can. Topics to be discussed include: Community Engagement, Sustainable Purchasing, Importance of a Clear Vision, Diversity and Inclusion, Branding and Leaving a Legacy. Learn more